From: Green The World

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

October was so much fun with the Zombie Crawl and Witchstock, thanks to all who stopped by and supported Green The World this past month.  November is already here and planning for the upcoming holiday season, wow, already.
New items this past month include a FULL LINE of CLOTH DIAPERS and all the essentials that go along with them including covers, prefolds and detergent.  New line of Sweater Monsters and Laylee Beads has expanded her Jewelry line to include beautiful Silverwear Bell Necklaces and Silverwear Earrings.  I have the 2013 Calendar from local artist, Cara Koolmees, so stop in soon.
SEVERAL new items will be on display for the holiday season starting on Small Business Saturday, the 24th of November.  Huge closeout sales will continue through November along with all the fun for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday.  Local Illustrator, Mandy Hedrick will be here from 10am – 1pm on Small Business Saturday signing her book “Troy Truck”.  A coloring contest is going on now, stop in and get your coloring sheet, return, and possibly win a $35.00 valued Signed book set and book bag.  That evening please stay and enjoy the Santa Run and the Annual Christmas Parade and Lighting of Christmas Village!
This shopping season I will have pre-packaged Gift Baskets featuring local food items, local products, essential oil sets, custom baskets and Gift Certificates.  12 days of Christmas from various vendors, treats each Saturday, extended hours, live music, and much, much more.  Be a fan on Facebook or follow me on Twitter for daily updates and deals.
Indie Ogden Utah is sponsoring “2012 Best of Ogden Awards” and Green The World has been nominated for Best Gift Store and myself as an Honoree.  If you could, please take a moment and vote for your “best of” and help support Ogden and this event.  Several categories are listed but voting only takes a few minutes.  Voting starts tomorrow 11/7/12 and goes through 11/15/12.   Thanks!
Have a safe, green, and wonderful November and Thanksgiving and see you all soon.


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